What Is TEP And Its Importance In The Translation Industry

what is tep explained

Do you know that there are 7,139 languages spoken around the world and 40 percent of the internet users only buy from the websites translated into their native languages? The essence of native translation is becoming a major counter back to recent business success. A crucial aspect of this growing industry is TEP. Now, what is TEP? It means Translation, Editing, and Proofreading and is an approach to ensure accuracy in the world of inevitable errors. 

What is TEP?

TEP is the finest form of translation that has evolved from the one-step process. Previously, companies used to deliver context to the client without any quality assurance. Now, professionals pass the same context through different native perspectives and achieve accuracy even better. Here the linguistic team is a separate entity having no direct communication to avoid biases in any way. All three roles remain confidential and that’s the core of this strategic concept.

How TEP has Transformed the Translation Industry?

The editing stage in TEP can be direct, localized, or transcreated. The major difference in each type is context and perspective. Direct means the same words in distinct languages. While localized means using appropriate words by considering the culture and norms of the locals. In contrast, transcreation is delivering the same message with much relevant creativity. 

The proofreader steps in with the final quality assurance test. For example, there’s a company providing TEP services in Canada for a Chinese region where people speak Mandarin. The Canadian translation market has more than 12,000 professionals, and out of them, tons would be native Mandarins. For proofreaders, the original file would remain hidden and they would be analyzing if the content is legible from a local’s point of view.    

Such a process incorporates the emotions, culture, ideology, beliefs, and another regional context that lead to perfection and meaningful results. Clients can use automated software, but that will lack accuracy. The following graph gives a better depiction of perfect translation with mediums:

  • Human
  • Google Neural Machine Translation (GNMT)
  • Phrase-Based Machine Translation (PBMT)
Translation model to explain what is TEP

Image Source: Emerj.com

What is TEP for Marketing Purposes?

Local SEO has been gaining all popularity these days, and so is local translation. In fact, the reported Fortune 500 companies witnessed 2.04 times increased profits when they invested in translation services. Here the core of the content is not just providing awareness to people in varied languages, but convincing them to make a purchase. Ideally, it is only possible with TEP’s transcreation phase. According to CSA surveys, these are the domains where the translation is getting even more popular. 

Image Source: European Commission

Final Words

The answer to what is TEP is accuracy, precision, and quality. This industry focuses on the minor details and how they can change the core of the same sentences. Translators, editors, and proofreaders, all are native in their respective languages. Even if you’re getting TEP services in Canada, there’s a 100 percent chance you can reach an audience based on regional norms. Since accuracy is growing in the current era, no company should stay behind. A smart approach would be to reach out to a translation agency having varied translators. You too should achieve the successful figures with utmost consistency.

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