What are 6 Important Rules for Legal Transcription?

Are you wondering what legal transcription is and why it has become the center of attention? Do you want to hire someone for legal transcription services but cannot figure out which service provider is best? If so, hold tight! Legal transcription for lawyers has become essential in 2021 than ever before.

Understandably, the number of people offering their services in this regard has also climbed. So, we have compiled six rules for legal transcription for lawyers. But before jumping on to its regulations, let’s see why legal transcription is essential.

Why is Legal Transcription for Lawyers Important?

Legal transcriptions serve as solid pieces of evidence for lawyers. They include courtroom dialogues, phone calls, cross-exams, legal briefs and all sorts of jury instructions. In essence, they are a means to record the courtroom proceedings on paper.

Legal transcription for lawyers

Here’s why they matter so much to lawyers:

Easier to Access

Lawyers are all about efficiency and management. They need to come up with the right points at the right time. A legal transcript provides them with an accessible option to recall all courtroom proceedings to build their case.

Better, More Organized Format

Organizing stuff properly is the key to timeliness. Courtroom recordings are not very useful for lawyers as they have to manually listen to them until they find the fragment they needed. Instead, a typed or written text document is more. It helps them find anything from the document with one click.

Clear and To-The-Point

Legal transcriptions for lawyers solely feature the dialogues and other protocols. Thus, they are free from all sorts of excessive data that might throw a lawyer off. Therefore, a written text document takes precedence in clarity over a recording in this regard.

Handwritten legal transcription for lawyers

Legal Transcription for Lawyers – 6 Rules You Must Follow

All top-rated legal transcriptionists go by the book when it comes to written text documents. That’s because the use of these rules helps employers deduce which writer is best.

They are:

Make Sure to Include Filler Words

Sometimes, courtroom dialogues have plenty of filler words like ‘oh’ in them. Proficient transcriptionists note them down as it may help the lawyer figure something out!

Do not Ignore Stutters and False Starts

False starts and stutters show a lack of confidence in a person’s speech. Data like this is of prime importance to lawyers!

Never Correct the Grammar Concerning Dialogues

Legal transcription for lawyers is all about precision and clarity. Therefore, a successful transcriptionist notes everything down as it is so that the lawyer gets every possible clue.

Quote Non-Verbal Pieces

Body language is critical when it comes to legal dealings. Writing stuff like ‘scratches his head’ makes a legal transcript more compelling.

Try to Mention the Expressions

As mentioned earlier, you should note anything that may appear necessary. Similarly, the expressions of the convicts and even the witnesses are crucial in some cases.

Quote Verbatim Slangs Unedited

Editing can change the facts sometimes, and no good lawyer wants that. Your meaning of a slang may differ from what the person actually used it for. Therefore, the best way to go about it is not to edit anything!

Petition – Legal transcription for lawyers

Legal Transcription for Lawyers – The Take-Home Point

Written text documents may appear old from the outlook, but they are still vital. However, legal transcripts for lawyers don’t always need to be written out! Instead, most of them are digital: more accessible and practical. So, if you want to employ someone for legal transcription for lawyers, make sure that the person follows the rules!

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