How to make your website a conversion machine with copywriting?

First impressions create a lasting impact if not the last! 

Your website is the reflection of your business. Since there are hundreds of competitors out there, people visit your site to buy the exclusive experience and not just products or services. But often times, you notice traffic abandoning the site without buying. Therefore, when you need advice from a website copywriting services expert who is a step ahead with practical approaches.

Being one of them, we too will be shedding some light on the hacks that can make you a pro in converting visitors into customers.

Burst the Myth Bubble!

Increasing the word count on your website is all the sunshine and rainbows your business needs to attract target audiences. 

That’s just not true! You need to brainstorm ideas that truly reflect your brand’s voice and find effective ways to fit them into shorter sentences. Before moving on to the hacks, remember that not every lengthy content is worth the Search Engine Optimization. 

Website Copywriting Hacks to Attract Conversions

Steal The Show With Mesmeric Headlines

Do you know that 8 out of 10 people only read your headlines to decide if they really want to read the rest or not? Website copywriting services mainly focus on the value that those ideal seven words can yield to the readers. 

For a mesmeric headline, you need to mirror the user’s perception and tell them the exact benefit they have been missing yet. You can use powerful words but don’t find such an adjective that’s ambiguous. Research some numbers, stats or embed emotions as per your niche. 79 percent of the users’ scan website pages instead of reading the content and headlines can play a huge role in making them stay longer.

For instance, look at these key phrases that audiences prefer to engage with:

Top headline phrases for conversions

Source: Buzzsumo

Trigger the Reader’s Interest By Using ‘YOU’

Your target audience does not care about who you are. They only look for what’s in there for them. An approach like We offer the Best Website Copywriting Services in Canada” can actually become much more engaging with “Rank Your Site with the Best Copywriting Services in Canada.” 

Today’s audience likes being addressed and the websites that value them hold a competitive edge. So, you can build a buyer’s persona, determine their backgrounds, and come up with statements that persuade the users to keep reading and build a connection. Therefore, to ensure your website copy is customer-centric, use this customer focus calculator and adjust the existing content accordingly.

Use Psycho-Booster Terms for CTA

The Call to Action (CTA) button can deliberately convince the users to take the next steps. Once you connect the audience with your headline and content, you need creativity to urge them further. 

Use psycho-booster terms that reflect the value for customers. Check out this example set by Netflix:

Netflix CTA screenshot

The word free is convincing enough to take a step forward. 

Try not to use ‘Click Here’ or ‘Start Here’ as your Call To Action (CTA). It’s more like wasting space for no good when you can do wonders. Key terms like “Limited time offer”, “Hurry up”, “Three more days until the offer lasts”, or “Five lucky subscriptions left” can miraculously turn the window shoppers into potential buyers. Here’s an example set my Ugmonk:

Ugmonk CTA screenshot

Use the Power of Presumptions

Presumptions are crucial for boosting customer experience without even using your service or product. Once you understand the pain points and the gaps, you can easily take the readers to the dreamland where they would want to explore more. 

Play with the user’s mind, give reasons, and prove your promises with facts and powerful statements. Let them presume that they are already at the top of the Search Engine Result Page (SERP). The following statement can be your finest way of using strong marketing language. 

“The hassle of finding potential clients won’t be a problem anymore!” 

Don’t leave them hanging there. Structure the hierarchy of your content that starts with engagement, proposes value, assures trust, and finally leads to clicking the signup or any other CTA you desire. 

Infuse Variation in Patterns

Human eyes tend to follow a pattern and ignore similar content after a certain exposure. You, as a copywriter or even if you’re hiring some expert Website Copywriting Services, need to assure your content doesn’t look alike. 

Make a combination of small paragraphs, headings, visuals, CTAs, testimonials, and other design formats that can get attention. As a writer, you have the command to make the content appealing and not the design. Start using neuro-linguistic programming techniques with transitional words at the beginning of the sentences and see how it maintains the momentum. 

Final Thoughts: Should You Go For Website Copywriting Services?

Building a visually sound website, setting an affordable price range, infusing keywords, and ranking among the top SERPs are not enough. So, your end goal is to convert those visitors into buyers and retain them for long. By following the hacks, we just mentioned above, you can embark on the first steps. Also, keep trying and if you are ever stuck on leveraging user-centric content, get back to us at Worbals. We offer the best Website Copywriting Services in Canada that can take your business to places. There is a lot more to achieve, don’t stop, we have your back!

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